Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chicken and Veggies

Brent found some chicken drumsticks at wal-mart really cheap (10 for $3.97) so he picked a couple of them up. We love a good deal :)

My friend, Jenn had bought me Montana's Apple Butter sauce (my FAVE!!!) and I had a bit leftover so I thought I would make some delicious apple butter drumsticks. Chicken is probably my favorite meat - there is so much variety and so many options for recipes.

I dipped the drumsticks in egg and then flour (like I do my chicken wings) and baked them for about an hour (until they were no longer pink). I mixed the apple butter sauce with some water to thin it out (about 1/4 -1/2 cup) and added some of our other bbq sauce (president's choice hickory smoke) to make enough.
I usually add some brown sugar too but didn't this didn't need it! I baked the drumsticks in the sauce for about another 40 minutes, basting it every 10 minutes.

I don't think it needed the egg and flour though - if you wanted to deep fry them (again, like chicken wings) then it would be worthwhile. But for just baking - it didn't really make a difference.


Then for the veggies I used a frozen mix of beans and carrots (my favorite mix) and steamed them (better than boiling and keeps more of the nutrients). Then added some margarine and garlic salt.
I also like to dip it in the bbq sauce on my plate. mmmmm


**Add garlic toast and a salad to complete this meal to perfection**

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